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New: PFCs in Visio

Recipe Procedural Function Charts can be converted to Visio drawings. Recipe FHX files are imported into a special application, after which (a) Recipe(s) can be selected for which a Visio file will be generated. (Visio required)

Formula Editing through Excel

For a demo copy of the Formula Editor, please Login or Register, then return to this page...

We now have an application available that allows you to generate an Excel workbook with Formula data, that - after updating in Excel - can be imported into the application again, after which a DeltaV Export File (FHX) can be generated to update the Formula in DeltaV.

Formula Properties (e.g., Formula Name, Description, Released for Production) and Parameters (including Description, Defaults, Named Set or Units) are exported. The workbook can be based on an existing Formula: non-default Values are then taken from this Formula, while other Values are left blank.

Formula Editor Application

Any Values can be removed from the Formula to be (re)generated by leaving them blank, and added with Data Validation in place (e.g., a range of -9999 - 9999 is enforced, Named States can only be selected through dropdowns).

Formula Editor resulting Excel File

Ideal for updating existing Formulas, or for creating new ones.

For more information, contact

Operations and Unit Procedures

For Operations and Unit Procedures we generate documents with the following ToC:

We can also handle document data from an Excel Workbook, as described for Equipment Module Classes.


For Procedures we generate documents with the following ToC:

We can also handle document data from an Excel Workbook, as described for Equipment Module Classes.

Here is an example Word document for the PRC_PAINT Procedure as per DeltaV's Batch Demo.